
some real inspiration with a change of loca

in BAN !? Sat Nov 02, 2019 2:20 am
by doodlecraft-forum • 147 Posts | 1470 Points

You've just plopped yourself down on the living room couch to continue working on your new novel. Suddenly Cheap Air Max 95 , the cat runs across your lap because it's being chased by the dog who just happens to knock your Kool-Aid all over your 100 page manuscript, ruining the whole thing. What's that you say? You don't have a back up copy on computer? Have to start all over and can't remember a thing you've written because your blood pressure has just hit critical mass?

Time for a change in writing location.

While the above situation may be a little far fetched, the truth is, you really do need to find a place to write where you can work alone and undisturbed. This may not always be possible based on where you are living. If you're sharing a studio apartment or even a dorm with a roomy, you're not going to have a lot of privacy. In these cases you may want to take a ride Cheap Air Max 97 , or a walk, to the local library. At least there you can work in peace.

If, however, you are fortunate enough to live in a big home, you still should find a room where you can be alone and undisturbed by family and friends. And even at that Cheap Air Max 270 , there are certain things you should keep in mind when doing your writing that will greatly affect your choice of location.

For example. Let's say you are a songwriter. Unless you write your compositions entirely on manuscript paper, you're going to want to do your writing in the vicinity of some kind of recording equipment and even a piano or some kind of keyboard. If you play the guitar, that's fine too. The reason you want to do this is because unless you can totally hear the music that you are writing in your head, something few people can do, you are going to want to be able to hear what it actually sounds like. By writing near a keyboard or guitar you can walk over to your instrument of choice and plunk out the tune if just to get a feel for how it is coming. You may want to make some changes that you wouldn't have made had you not actually heard what the piece sounded like.

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